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微軟與索尼半導(dǎo)體深化中國市場合作 以AI攝像頭解決方案賦能本土合作伙伴

更新時間2021-11-24 點擊數(shù)4209


    2021年11月5日,上海——在第四屆中國國際進口博覽會上,微軟(中國)有限公司(以下簡稱“微軟”)與索尼半導(dǎo)體科技(上海)有限公司(以下簡稱“索尼”)宣布發(fā)起合作伙伴賦能計劃(Partner Enablement Program),鼓勵具備資質(zhì)的中國本土獨立軟件供應(yīng)商(ISV),以及系統(tǒng)集成商(SI)合作伙伴基于商業(yè)AI攝像頭解決方案(AI camera-driven solutions)進行創(chuàng)新。該解決方案將全球首款*具有 AI 處理功能的圖像傳感器——索尼IMX500智能視覺傳感器與微軟智能云的AI能力相結(jié)合,實現(xiàn)邊緣人工智能處理。在此之前,微軟也與索尼在中國發(fā)起了聯(lián)合創(chuàng)新實驗室(Co-Innovation Labs),為計算機視覺和視頻分析領(lǐng)域的合作伙伴和企業(yè)客戶提供構(gòu)建、開發(fā)、原型和測試解決方案所需的支持與服務(wù)。







    索尼智能視覺傳感器IMX500可在傳感器上進行高速AI處理,僅輸出語義元數(shù)據(jù)信息而非圖像數(shù)據(jù),從而減少數(shù)據(jù)流量并解決隱私問題。通過與微軟合作,索尼將Azure AI嵌入傳感器,這種集成可以為通用應(yīng)用程序提供多樣化功能——如高速AI處理下的實時目標(biāo)追蹤等——為商業(yè)場景帶來更智能的 AI 攝像頭解決方案,并在邊緣和云端之間更有效地分配資源,以提高成本效率和功耗效率。

    索尼還創(chuàng)建了基于Azure IoT和認(rèn)知服務(wù)(Cognitive Services)的AI攝像頭托管應(yīng)用,不僅對IMX500傳感器進行了完善,也為合作伙伴和客戶拓展了視頻分析領(lǐng)域的能力及范圍,幫助其把握更多機遇。






合作伙伴賦能計劃——鼓勵更多有志者 “入局”

    在2021中國國際進口博覽會上,微軟與索尼推出了合作伙伴賦能計劃(Partner Enablement Program),通過微軟人工智能和物聯(lián)網(wǎng)實驗室進行招募,吸引更多優(yōu)秀的本土ISV和SI合作伙伴“入局”,共創(chuàng)更加多樣化的行業(yè)解決方案。這一計劃的推出將豐富現(xiàn)有的生態(tài)系統(tǒng),招募在其主導(dǎo)行業(yè)具備豐富的海內(nèi)外經(jīng)驗、銷售和營銷資源的優(yōu)秀合作伙伴,并助力其打造應(yīng)用于不同行業(yè)場景的解決方案,在克服技術(shù)挑戰(zhàn)的同時,為這些合作伙伴提供產(chǎn)品上市資源。








索尼半導(dǎo)體集團公司是圖像傳感器領(lǐng)域的全球領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者。我們努力提供先進的影像技術(shù)為人們的生活帶來更多便利與愉悅。此外,我們還開發(fā)并將新的傳感技術(shù)推向市場,致力于將人類與機器的視覺和認(rèn)知能力提升到新的高度。欲了解更多詳情,請瀏覽網(wǎng)站: Sony Semiconductor Solutions Group.


Microsoft and Sony Semiconductor Solutions Partner to Expand AI Camera-Driven Solutions in China

Nov 5, 2021, Shanghai – At the 2021 China International Import Expo (CIIE), Microsoft China and Sony Semiconductor Solutions (Shanghai) Ltd. (Sony) announced a Partner Enablement Program to encourage China local qualified independent software vendors (ISV) and system integrators (SI) partners creating commercial AI camera-driven solutions, which combines Sony's intelligent vision sensor IMX500, the world's first* image sensor equipped with AI functionality, with Microsoft Azure's AI technology capabilities to achieve AI processing on edge. As part of the partnership, Microsoft and Sony jointly launched Co-Innovation Labs in China for partners and enterprise customers in the areas of computer vision and video analytics, which offers access and facilities to build, develop, prototype and test solutions for partners and customers.

*Among image sensors. According to Sony research (as of its announcement date on May 14, 2020).

Makoto Kimura, President of Sony Semiconductor Solutions (Shanghai) Ltd. (Left) and Joe Bao, President of Microsoft China (Right)

Joe Bao, President of Microsoft China said:” Our partnership has combined Microsoft's expertise in providing trusted, enterprise-grade AI technology and analytics solutions with Sony's established leadership in the imaging sensors market. The edge intelligence we ignite together has great potential in every industry, this uncovers unlimited opportunities for our mutual customers and partners.”

Makoto Kimura, President of Sony Semiconductor Solutions (Shanghai) Ltd. said: "The combination of Sony's innovative imaging and sensing technology with Microsoft's excellent cloud AI services will bring more powerful and efficient AI camera-driven solutions. We are confident that Sony's collaboration with Microsoft in the Chinese market will further strengthen our ties with our partners and customers in China and contribute to the expansion of their business value." 


World's first AI-processing image sensor, powered by Azure AI

Sony's  intelligent vision sensor IMX500 feature high-speed AI processing on the sensor, and output only semantic metadata information instead of image data, that helps in reducing data traffic and addressing privacy concerns.

Sony collaborates with Microsoft to embed Microsoft Azure AI technology capabilities on the sensor. This integration makes it possible to deliver diversified functionality for versatile applications, such as real-time object tracking with high-speed AI processing. This integration results in smarter AI camera-driven solutions for enterprise scenarios as well as a more efficient allocation of resources between the edge and the cloud to drive cost and power consumption efficiencies.

In addition, Sony created AI camera managed application powered by Azure IoT technology and Cognitive Services technology that complements the IMX500 sensor and expands the range and capability of video analytics opportunities for partners and customers.


Discover unlimited potential for commercial use

As result of the collaboration, AI camera-driven solutions bring together Sony's cutting-edge imaging and sensing technologies, with Microsoft's cloud technology and AI platform, and it unveils an unlimited potential for commercial use.

Users can create, choose, and upload AI models of their choice to the sensor and the AI camera-driven solution can be fully customized, enabling customers across industries to uncover new revenue opportunities, streamline operations and solve challenges.

For example, retailers can use AI cameras to detect when to refill products on a shelf or to better understand the optimal number of available open checkout counters according to the queue length. Additionally, a manufacturer might use an AI camera to identify hazards on its manufacturing floor in real time before injuries occur. Traditionally such applications rely on gathering data distributed among many AI cameras across different sites like stores, warehouses and distribution centers, and struggle to optimize the allocation of computing resources, resulting in cost or power consumption increases.


Partner Enablement Program to encourage more players joining the game

At the 2021 CIIE event, Microsoft and Sony released a Partner Enablement Program (PEP) to recruit more China local qualified ISV/SI partners through Microsoft AI & IoT Insider Labs, leveraging the AI camera-driven solution to co-create more diversified industrial solutions. The launch of PEP enriches the existing ecosystem to recruit qualified partners with experiences, sales and marketing resources in their leading industry to develop and enrich solutions in various of industrial scenarios, overcome technological challenges and invests in go-to-market resources.

Both companies' collaboration in China is part of the partnership between Microsoft and Sony Semiconductor Solutions, which was globally announced in May 2020 of which its details can be found here.

One of the Microsoft certified partners, Global ISV Hanshow, made the first wave of building its intelligent solution in the retail industry by onboarding a Partner Enablement Program. Hanshow's solution employs multiple intelligent cameras with various AI models for monitoring product volume status, customer traffic flows, and sales status. By integrating stationary cameras, it can also provide a heat map tracking in-store customer journeys, providing retailers with valuable insights to increase sales.

Hanshow's experience in global retail markets, combined with the technological support from Microsoft and Sony “can accelerate co-innovation initiatives to better serve the rapidly changing and diversified retail industry, helping retailers to be more agile and profitable. We are also exploring application of this solution in manufacturing and other industries together with Microsoft and Sony.” said Shiguo Hou, the CEO of Hanshow.


About Microsoft

Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT" @microsoft) enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

About Sony Semiconductor Solutions

Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation is the global leader in image sensors. We strive to provide advanced imaging technologies that bring greater convenience and joy to people's lives. In addition, we also work to develop and bring to market new kinds of sensing technologies with the aim of offering various solutions that will take the visual and recognition capabilities of both human and machines to greater heights. For more information, please visit: Sony Semiconductor Solutions Group.
